Home Loan
A sum of money borrowed to purchase a house is home loan. Every one needs a house property but not every one can afford to get one. You must have desired to own a house but your earnings will not permit you to. Having a house property is one of the best thing one can provide for his or her family.
But most times financial challenges is a big problem. That is why we have created a simple platform for getting a home loans.
We provide home loans to help you buy, build, repair, retain, or adapt a home for your own personal occupancy. With the cheapest interest rate of only 3%.
See how Lendz® can help you purchase, build or repair your home.
How It Works!
Four simple steps to get home loans online
Apply Online
100% online application
Instant Approval
Approval in minutes
Loan Contract
Sign the loan agreement
Get Paid
Receive funds next day